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Ciavon Hartman, FPQP™ Ciavon Hartman, FPQP™

Ciavon Hartman, FPQP™

Chief Operations Officer & Chief Compliance Officer

Serving DCM Clients since 2002

Ciavon Hartman is the Chief Operations Officer, Chief Compliance Officer and Partner at Donaldson Capital Management. Ciavon graduated from the University of Southern Indiana in 2002 with a BS in Accounting and immediately joined DCM as the Business Information Manager. Since that time, Ciavon has proved to be an incredibly quick study. Her responsibilities include overseeing the operations side of the business and ensuring DCM meets all SEC compliance standards. She earned the  Financial Planner Qualified Professional designation in 2014.

Ciavon and her husband, Matt, live in Evansville with their son, Landon and daughter Liana. They enjoy traveling, hiking, and spending time with family and friends. They are members of the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer.

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