Foundation & Endowments
Foundation & Endowments
You have to know where you’ve been to know where you’re going. And we don’t just mean a look through your bank statements. We want to understand where your foundation really stands—not only in terms of finances, but also its place in the community and in your life personally. With a closer look into every connection, we can work from a more grounded place before we really get started.
Next, we want to know where you and your foundation are headed, both realistically and aspirationally. By getting a better feel for the big peaks and smaller waypoints you envision for the short and long term, we can draft your plan that aligns with your mission for the long road.
Once we have a firm grasp on where you’ve been and where you want to go, it’s time for us to get to work. We’ll make every effort to help you feel covered and comfortable for every new milestone. And once we agree on the right plan for your foundation, it is by no means the end of the road. We will be on hand for feedback, adjustments, evaluations and anything you may need along the way.